Did you know that being “present” and recognizing each moment has something to offer can help you on your path to health and happiness? That was the message of Day 6 of Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey’s latest free 21-day…

Did you know that being “present” and recognizing each moment has something to offer can help you on your path to health and happiness? That was the message of Day 6 of Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey’s latest free 21-day…
Today I felt as if the first day of spring was sprung on me. I didn’t know it was spring until the weather forecaster announced it! Where did the winter go? I’ve been so busy with multiple projects for the…
Sick of getting sick? Check out these alternative remedies and easy lifestyle changes you can make to stay healthy and enhance your immune system — both in the short term and long run. They’re especially great to do now as we’re…
New Year’s isn’t the only time for new beginnings, so is spring! Just as the natural world around us is “awakening” with longer days and flowers coming into bloom, so too is our own inner energy. What better way to…
With the recent time change, do you find your mental alertness and physical energy waning as the day goes on? Wish you could just crawl back into bed acting like Daylight Savings Time never happened? Face the day full of…
“Who Am I?” This is the question I was confronted with on Day 1 of the free “Desire & Destiny” meditation program by Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey, which even though it started three days ago, isn’t too late to sign up…
Have a desire to find your passion and follow your purpose? Want to learn how to meditate? Then join Deepak and Oprah for their latest free 21-day meditation experience: Desire & Destiny. It starts November 11th and is open to…
Interested in learning how to meditate and improve your understanding of true love? Then you might want to join Oprah & Deepak in their second free 21-Day Meditation Challenge – Miraculous Relationships. It starts August 5th and is open to…
Want to try a great springtime visualization exercise (a form of meditation) so that you can plant your own “seeds” and realize your own aspirations, goals, and dreams? It’s something you can do quietly at home, while at work on…
Want to learn how to make better choices for greater happiness, health, and wellbeing? Then you might want to join Deepak Chopra & Oprah in their free 21-Day Meditation Challenge – Perfect Health! It starts March 11th and is open…