Well, it’s happened. After keeping from getting sick for well over a week now, my immune system gave in and I got a nasty cold. I’m sure part of it is due the fact my daughter’s been coughing and congested all…

Top Natural Remedies to Soothe & Re-Moisturize Irritated Nasal, Sinus, & Bronchial Passages

Is Echinacea Effective for Treating Colds and the Flu?
It seems wherever I go these days I have people coughing and sneezing all around me. The receptionist at my local doctor’s office was even sick! (Bad place to come to work sick, right?) And just this morning my local news…

Over 25 Proven Ways to Boost Your Immunity & Stay Healthy Naturally
Sick of getting sick? Check out these alternative remedies and easy lifestyle changes you can make to stay healthy and enhance your immune system — both in the short term and long run. They’re especially great to do now as we’re…

DIY All-Natural Hand Sanitizing Spray – Meets CDC Guidelines
This DIY all-natural hand sanitizer meets CDC guidelines to combat coronavirus and other cold and flu viruses.

Make Your Own Belly-Busting Aromatherapy Massage Oil
Did you know that you can massage away your belly fat? Seriously. It’s true! Two scientific studies out of Korea showed that it’s possible when doing self-massage with certain aromatherapy essential oils for an extended period of time. So, when…

7 Easy Ways to Enliven Your Drinking Water with Minerals for Better Health
Did you know that drinking mineral-rich water is essential to your health and wellness? It’s the way nature intended it to be after all. Alkaline water full of life-giving micro and macro minerals not only makes water taste better, but…

5 Amazing At-Home Spa Treatments to Boost Immunity & Stay Healthy
Looking for other ways to stay healthy? Did you know that there are some easy, at-home spa treatments that you can do for yourself to boost your immune system and enhance your overall health and well being? They help in…

DIY Detoxifying Mustard Bath: Soothe Muscles, Fight Colds & Flus, & More
Got a bad cold — or worse — the flu coming on? Perhaps you know someone who’s sick and in need of a little TLC? If so, whip up this zesty and rejuvenating mustard bath. It’s a twist on the…

Make This Powerful Antiseptic Aromatherapy Room Spray to Keep Germs at Bay
Got people sneezing and coughing near you? Don’t get sick! Disinfect the air with this easy-to-make, powerful antiseptic aromatherapy spray. I find it super useful during cold and flu season and it’s great to use while traveling (just be sure…

Reduce Cellulite & More with Dry Skin Brushing
Want a great way to get ready for bathing suit season? Then you might want to consider dry skin brushing. All you need is a natural bristle shower brush. Often found in the personal care section of natural product stores…

Winter Care Eucalyptus Steam to Support Healthy Breathing
Have bronchitis, a stuffy nose, or a cough that won’t go away? Remedy the situation with a eucalyptus steam. Eucalyptus is often used in spa steam rooms to disinfect the air, but you can easily bring this treatment home. Its…

Roast Some Pumpkin Seeds with Ghee, Garlic, & Sea Salt for a Nutrient-Rich Snack!
Every year when we carve pumpkins as a family, I always set the seeds aside for roasting. Granted, it’s not always fun sorting them from the gooey, stringy insides, but it’s well worth it! Pumpkin seeds, also called pepitas in…

DIY Pumpkin-Papaya Body Mousse Mask for Smooth & Glowing Skin
Fall is here in Southern California, so I’m all about soaking up the best the season has to offer — and I might add, enjoying the slightly cooler weather! I’ve not only eaten pumpkin-inspired foods and drinks for breakfast, lunch, and…

5 Perfectly Healthy Pumpkin-Inspired Foods & Drinks for Breakfast
Every fall I welcome the cool crisp autumn air, the shorter evenings, and of course, fabulous food made with seasonal produce! My favorite? Pumpkins. I can’t resist stocking up on things like pumpkin butters, purées, and pasta sauces. And I also love decorating with…

Healthy Pumpkin Chai Tea Latte Recipe
This Halloween don’t get tricked into ordering high-calorie, nutrient-void, coffee drinks full of scary ingredients like artificially flavored and colored syrups. Instead, treat yourself to this healthy version of a seasonal favorite — Pumpkin Chai Tea Latte. The benefits? You can control the…

Pumpkin Beauty Spa Treatments You Can Make for Pennies
Carving a jack-o-lantern? Got some left-over pumpkin purée? Then consider using some pumpkin for seasonal spa treatments that will scare away dry skin and trick you into thinking you’re at least 10 years younger! Pumpkins are full of vitamins and…
Healthy Ways to Clean During Cold & Flu Season
If the flu strikes your family, it’s time to do some green cleaning to prevent it from spreading to other family members! Of course, you’ll be busy caring for that sick loved one, so here are a few easy solutions…
DIY Pumpkin Walnut Body Scrub
Making pumpkin pie or have some pumpkin leftover from carving Jack-o’-lanterns? Why not reserve some pumpkin purée for making a delectable fall body scrub? It will moisturize and exfoliate your skin and it’s good enough to eat! Plus, it only…