It seems like every few months I hear some terrible story in the news about how something as healthy and seemingly safe as produce made people sick, because it was tainted with a nasty pathogen like E. coli or salmonella.…

It seems like every few months I hear some terrible story in the news about how something as healthy and seemingly safe as produce made people sick, because it was tainted with a nasty pathogen like E. coli or salmonella.…
Did you know that drinking mineral-rich water is essential to your health and wellness? It’s the way nature intended it to be after all. Alkaline water full of life-giving micro and macro minerals not only makes water taste better, but…
Are you drinking reverse osmosis (RO), distilled, or bottled water? If so, read on to discover why you may need to make a change for the sake of your health and wellness. For a while, my family and I were…
Feeling a little overwhelmed with the recent Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) report on how certain chemicals mess with your hormones? Scared to know that many of them are already found in blood samples of most Americans? Aren’t sure what to do about…