This luxurious Green Tea Sea Therapy Mask is a great addition to your summer beauty care and wellness routine as you can use it as a facial or body treatment to detoxify, rejuvenate, and nourish your skin. Considering your skin…

This luxurious Green Tea Sea Therapy Mask is a great addition to your summer beauty care and wellness routine as you can use it as a facial or body treatment to detoxify, rejuvenate, and nourish your skin. Considering your skin…
Need a natural boost in brain power? How about some green tea, then? According to a recent study from the University of Basel published in the academic journal Psychopharmacology, researchers have shown that green tea extract enhances cognitive function, especially working memory. Read on…
This Halloween don’t get tricked into ordering high-calorie, nutrient-void, coffee drinks full of scary ingredients like artificially flavored and colored syrups. Instead, treat yourself to this healthy version of a seasonal favorite — Pumpkin Chai Tea Latte. The benefits? You can control the…
Did you know that you can use tea for cleaning? As strange as it may sound, the polyphenolic compounds in tea from the Camelia sinensis plant — specifically green, black, and white tea — have antimicrobial actions, which make them perfect for…
Nothing is worse after spending a carefree day in the sun than developing a sunburn. Ouch! But don’t despair! If you’ve spent a little too much time soaking up the rays without protecting your skin, there are some effective, natural…
Ginger — A Little Rhizome with a Lot to Offer! Get out of the cold and warm up inside with a nice cup of zesty ginger tea. Ginger comes in handy this time of year because it actually boosts your immune…
Tea for sunburns? Yes, tea. The next time you get a burn, raid your tea cupboard. Black tea, blackberry, and raspberry leaf tea are especially good since they have tannins in them which have anti-inflammatory effects and help heal burns, especially oozing…