“Manifesting Grace Through Gratitude” by Deepak Chopra & Oprah Winfrey is a free online 21-day meditation program that’s easy to sign up from their main web page: chopracentermeditation.com.
Did you know that being “present” and recognizing each moment has something to offer can help you on your path to health and happiness? That was the message of Day 6 of Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey’s latest free 21-day meditation program, “Manifesting Grace through Gratitude.”
And, I’ve got to say, I rather liked it. When you think about it, we really only have the present moment. So, getting the most out of it and recognizing that you are alive and able to experience life and see the beauty in the world around you, is really an important idea I think. Appreciating something as small and simple as a ray of glistening sunlight beaming through the window or a bird chirping outside are some good examples.
Chopra takes it a little further, though. He talks about how gratitude really “makes the present moment fully alive.” When you are grateful, you notice how things are much more vibrant according to Chopra. Colors appear crisper. Sounds more defined. It seems as though you may be experiencing something as you did as a child for the very first time.
I had this experience the other day as I was driving back from the grocery store. It’s been raining here in Southern California quite a bit this past week. We’ve had thunder, lighting, pounding rain — the works. Which is quite unbelievable, really. You see, I can’t really recall one single day it’s rained really hard in the summer here for several years. And as the song, “It never rains in Southern California,” attests, it never really rains here (except for maybe a couple of months in the winter). So, as I was driving, I noticed it was a clear day without any rain clouds in the sky. I was struck by the shear beauty of everything around me. Somehow, everything seemed so crisp. After several days of gloomy skies, everything appeared to be revealing itself in a new way. It was as if someone turned up the technicolor in the world around me. I was struck with an overwhelming appreciation and gratitude for the beauty all around me. It felt great.
How about you? Have you had such experiences lately? Are you able to be in the present moment and find gratitude? And if you’ve tried meditation, have you found it helpful?
Note: The current meditation program is half-way through, but it’s not to late to sign up. You can simply register online and listen to the mediations at your convenience on your tablet, computer, or mobile phone. By the way, once they are available, you have five days to listen to them before they are removed. Also, an online, personal journal is available to take notes once you log into your account. Take advantage of it so that you can reflect back on what you learned and how your feelings and thoughts may have changed throughout your meditation experience. Also, be aware, that research has proven meditation is great at relieving stress and helping with several other issues, so I highly recommend giving it a try!
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Is gratitude always a part of manifesting? What do you think?
I seriously need to begin meditating. It’s one of those things that I KNOW works, but I still don’t do it, to my detriment. Thanks for pointing out the free
I really think that i need to start meditating. With the amount of stress levels at work, and also the fact that they are ever increasing, I think it should be made mandatory at all work places. Well, nevertheless, if not from work then at least on a personal level I would look forward to meditate.
Mighty good stuff Karen!
And you’ve got to be kidding, about it actually raining
in southern California, right?LOL!
I simply won’t hear of it!LOL! Deepak is the best and what more can you
say about Oprah!LOL!
That sounds like their messages are pretty inspiring!And well worth the time!
Thanks for sharing their series, because i wasn’t previously aware of it!
I seriously need to begin meditating. It’s one of those things that I KNOW works, but I still don’t do it, to my detriment. Thanks for pointing out the free course.
Good Morning Karen, The attitude of gratitude is the only way to live HUH? I loved this post my friend.
I do know the importance of meditation yet just dont take the time to do it. Perhaps this is something I just need to add to my to do list and do..
Great way to start my day,
Thanks for sharing!
Chery :))
Yes, this is what you can and may desire to choose, living a life of gratitude. Everything around me changed. My thoughts and visual. I really mean, each day was like looking at anything and everything as what it really is, a gift. Just given to each of us, for asking.
No base on your efforts and accomplishments. Looking around you and being in awe. I never thought I would reach such a mental level, yet thanks be to God, all things are possible.
Thanks for confirming, I was not imagining this feeling of awareness. All by changing my thoughts to feel grateful for each and every moment.
Hi William.
So glad to hear that you’ve shared the same kind of experiences and feeling of gratitude. It feels really great, doesn’t it?
It’s something I’m still working on each and every day. 🙂
Thanks Karen, I just registered for this.
Great, Sue! Let me know how you like it. I’ve found it to be really helpful. 🙂
Oh yeah, I’m great at living in the past or the future, but in the present moment? Not so much. I’m an introvert, so a lot of my life is lived inside my head. But living in the moment is so important for all of us. It reminds me of the scripture verse that says, “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10) It’s a great antidote for worry.
Hi Willena. I think we’re all prone to “living inside” our own heads whether we’re introverts or not. Which is why meditation is such a nice break from our own “mental chatter.”
I love this. I will have to check it out as I am always looking for lessons on meditation, especially in the evenings.
Hi Heather.
Meditating in the evening is really nice. I find it’s a great way to let go of the day’s stressors.
Hope you got a chance to check out the free program!
What a great share.It reminds us to live in the today, many times we live in the future or in the past.I personally think gratitude is a huge part of our daily lives leading to success.
Hi Siphosith.
I agree with you that gratitude must play a part in leading to success. And it seems meditation is a key player in that, too. Lots of top business people, athletes, and famous people (e.g., Jerry Seinfeld, Kobe Bryant, Arianna Huffington, etc. ) meditate daily.