
Feast on Wild Blueberries to Fight Off Health Problems

Bowl of Wild Blueberries in Blue Bowl

Wild blueberries boast several health benefits, including fighting off metabolic syndrome.

As if you needed one more reason to eat blueberries, a scientific study published on-line today in the Journal of Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism will probably make you want to find multiple ways to enjoy them in your diet more often!

The study confirmed that eating a diet of wild blueberries helps health problems associated with metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of health risk factors, such as increased weight gain in the abdomen, high blood pressure, and low HDL cholesterol, that is associated with increased risk for coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. Considering metabolic syndrome is becoming more and more common, making lifestyle changes, such as eating more wild blueberries is an easy one to do!

Other studies have shown that blueberries boost your immunity and even help improve memory in older adults. None of this comes as a surprise considering they are loaded with antioxidants called anthocyanins that give them their lovely dark blue color. Plus, they are full of nutritional goodies, such as Vitamin C and fiber. What makes wild blueberries especially appealing is that they are local-grown, pesticide-free, and readily available in the frozen section when they aren’t in season. So why not make them a part of your daily diet?

Aside from using blueberries in oh-so-common smoothies, muffins and pancakes, did you know you can make appetizers, soups, salads, and even entrees with them? There is a bounty of blueberry recipes on the internet, but I wanted to share a few healthy, albeit unusual recipes I found:

I haven’t tried them yet, but if you decide to make one of these blueberry dishes, please share your thoughts. How about it? Why not make a feast of blueberries today and enjoy all the health benefits they have to offer?

Copyright © Karen Peltier and Well Gal, 2013. All rights reserved.
Photos © Karen Peltier and Well Gal, 2013.

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