Every year when we carve pumpkins as a family, I always set the seeds aside for roasting. Granted, it’s not always fun sorting them from the gooey, stringy insides, but it’s well worth it! Pumpkin seeds, also called pepitas in…

Every year when we carve pumpkins as a family, I always set the seeds aside for roasting. Granted, it’s not always fun sorting them from the gooey, stringy insides, but it’s well worth it! Pumpkin seeds, also called pepitas in…
Fall is here in Southern California, so I’m all about soaking up the best the season has to offer — and I might add, enjoying the slightly cooler weather! I’ve not only eaten pumpkin-inspired foods and drinks for breakfast, lunch, and…
Every fall I welcome the cool crisp autumn air, the shorter evenings, and of course, fabulous food made with seasonal produce! My favorite? Pumpkins. I can’t resist stocking up on things like pumpkin butters, purées, and pasta sauces. And I also love decorating with…
This Halloween don’t get tricked into ordering high-calorie, nutrient-void, coffee drinks full of scary ingredients like artificially flavored and colored syrups. Instead, treat yourself to this healthy version of a seasonal favorite — Pumpkin Chai Tea Latte. The benefits? You can control the…
Carving a jack-o-lantern? Got some left-over pumpkin purée? Then consider using some pumpkin for seasonal spa treatments that will scare away dry skin and trick you into thinking you’re at least 10 years younger! Pumpkins are full of vitamins and…
If the flu strikes your family, it’s time to do some green cleaning to prevent it from spreading to other family members! Of course, you’ll be busy caring for that sick loved one, so here are a few easy solutions…
Making pumpkin pie or have some pumpkin leftover from carving Jack-o’-lanterns? Why not reserve some pumpkin purée for making a delectable fall body scrub? It will moisturize and exfoliate your skin and it’s good enough to eat! Plus, it only…