
Air Freshener to the Rescue!

I was un-pleasantly surprised this past week when I opened my pantry door to only find a rotten, horrible, stench. Yikes! Even though I am the one with the “nose” in the family, I couldn’t seem to find the culprit as the smell was so pervasive.

So, I had to enlist the family’s help. My daughter looked for a while with the help of a friend. No luck. Fortunately, my husband discovered the problem — a bag of potatoes containing a few that had turned bad and promptly put them outside. However, that didn’t immediately take care of the smell. It lingered. And lingered…

Well, the next day I realized I had to take some action with an earth-friendly air freshener, such as one from the Top 12 DIY Green Air Fresheners. I decided to do a few spritzes of eco-friendly air freshener spray and then I put a bowl of baking soda on the pantry shelf, which is a fabulous, natural deodorizer. I followed this by cleaning the floor of the pantry where the bag of potatoes sat with a solution of water and vinegar, a great natural disinfectant.

Voila! By the end of that second day, my pantry smelled pleasant as a pansy. So, if you’ve got some air “issues” in your home, don’t be shy, give some air freshening green cleaning a try!

© Karen Peltier and Well Gal, 2012-2017

One thought on “Air Freshener to the Rescue!

  1. Penelope Smith

    I didn’t realize that you can use baking soda, vinegar, and potatoes to make your pantry smell better. Personally, I would rather just use a premade air freshener that is green. That way, I know it will work and I won’t make a giant mess.

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